
Why Join?

As one of the largest Cabin Tracts in the United States, total membership is very important to give us a larger voice.  Our Tract representatives are encouraged to bring new cabin owners into the organization.  Associate memberships are highly encouraged.  Have you changed your email address and forgotten to let us know?  Please let us know.  This is how most of our communication and notices forwarded from the Forest Service, are disseminated.  Also, please make sure that your email program does not have our [email protected] address stuck in your spam filter.  If we are designated as spam, you will not receive our vital communications.

There are now credit card payment options available with the links below. To help cover the costs associated with offering this service, a small processing fee will be added to your total. Each membership type will have to be processed separately for now (sorry for any inconvenience).

R.C.O.A. & N.F.H.
Regular Membership
  • Credit card options available with a small processing fee.
R.C.O.A. & N.F.H. Associate Membership
  • Credit card options available with a small processing fee.
R.C.O.A. Regular Membership
  • Credit card options available with a small processing fee.
Donate to the R.C.O.A.


To mail in your membership application and payment, please download the form below and send it to:

Additional membership information:

If you have purchased a lifetime membership and need a link to pay just the $10 R.C.O.A. dues, please contact us at [email protected].

Rimrock Cabin Owners Association
141 Scogin Ln.
Yakima, WA 98908